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Do you need someone to oversee the repair to ensure it is being done correctly or address any concerns that may arise during the repair? The CRC repair contract includes a construction manager that can oversee the repair from start to finish.
Your Trusted Repair Company
The Condominium Repair Company (CRC) can offer a solution for condo corporations to complete their repair projects with a CRC repair contract that has monthly payments instead of one lump sum payment.
It is expected that this monthly payment would be made from current condo fees and not require an increase to the condo fees.
What types of repair services do you offer for condominiums?
CRC offers a wide range of repair services, please select the Services tab for more information.
How do I request a repair service for my condominium?
You can easily request a repair service by contacting our office through phone or email.
You can use the “contact us today form at the bottom of this page” or use the Contact Us tab for contact information.
Can my condo board use their own repair vendors?
Absolutely, the condo board can have any of their vendors do the repair since they already work with them.
Do you offer repair vendors if my condo doesn't have one?
Yes, If the condo board does not have a vendor for the repair, CRC can refer a qualified vendor.
How long does it typically take to complete a repair project?
The duration of a repair project can vary depending on the specifics of each repair, we expect that most of these CRC repairs could be done within weeks.
Is there a repair cost range?
Yes, the amount of the repair cost is within a range from $25,000 to $250,000 dependent on the specific repair needs of the condo.
Do you provide someone to oversee the repair on behalf of the condo?
Yes, the CRC repair contract includes a construction manager that will do project oversight to ensure that the repair is done correctly and to address any problems or issues that may arise during the repair.
Who decides on what the repair includes?
The condos vendor sets the scope & cost of the repair in their quote or estimate which is signed by the board, and that becomes part of the CRC repair contract.
What company is the condo signing a contract with for the repair?
The repair contract is between CRC and the condominium corporation, with a vendor doing the repair, that vendor would be a sub-contractor in the CRC repair contract.
How is the payment for the repair done?
Upon completion of the repair and with sign off that the repair is done according to the scope of work by the condo board and CRC, the vendor is paid by CRC.
Can the condo decide on how long the payments are for?
Yes, the timeframe of the monthly payments is within a range from 24 to 48 months and is a choice by the condo board dependent on their specific situation.